
How to install curl command in windows
How to install curl command in windows

If you did not know it, I recommend you take a look at the manual that is on the official site (very retro, right?), Where everything you would be able to do with this little tool is shown. Here are some of the most common examples:Ĭurl -request POST -u "user:pass" -d "name=gisela&lastname=torres" Ĭurl -O If for example you are downloading a file with the previous command and it is too large and a cut occurs, it is possible to use -C - to continue the download where it left off:Ĭurl -O -O Pass basic authentication on a request with cURLĬurl -u username:password Download files from an FTP serverĬurl -u ftpuser:ftppass -O ftp://ftp_server/stuff/file.txtĬurl -mail-from -mail-rcpt smtp://smtpserver. To install it you have two options: you use Chocolatey, the package manager for Windows , ( choco install curl ) or from the official page, using the wizard , which may be more comfortable for you. For setup steps, refer to Setting up a Windows development environment.

how to install curl command in windows

Note: If you use Windows, we recommend you use the Ubuntu terminal environment to run Bash commands. To start the command prompt, open the Start menu, type cmd in the search box, and press Enter.

how to install curl command in windows

Did you know that it is possible to install cURL in Windows? This open source tool, which allows communication through different protocols from the command line, has been (and is) widely used especially in scripts and programming languages, especially PHP, in different environments and devices. Although it is well known in Linux and Mac OS X environments, it can also be used from Windows. You can use the Windows command prompt to run the cURL examples.

How to install curl command in windows